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How to save money on your home energy bills in 2023



Householders worried about rising power bills this year can take steps ranging from draught proofing to installing solar panels to make their homes more energy efficient and cut costs, experts say. Even a $9 door seal strip can make a big difference, while homeowners planning a major renovation might look at changing the orientation of […]

National rents record highest annual growth in over a decade


Investing Property Management Renting Uncategorized

While rental growth is slowing, we’ve still experienced the highest rental growth in over a decade. Growth in rental rates eased over the second quarter of 2021, with the national rental index rising by 2.1% over the 3 months to June compared to a 3.2% rise over the March quarter. While rental growth has slowed over […]

FAQs: COVID-19 and the impact on landlord insurance


Covid-19 Insurance Investing Property Management Renting Uncategorized

This article was written by EBM RentCover as part of Michael Yardney’s Property Update It is a seemingly confusing time, as Australia and the world battles what has been dubbed a ‘once in a generation event’. These distressing and unusual times bring unforeseen difficulties. And unfortunately landlords and property managers will not walk away unscathed from […]

What is NOT changing for landlords?


Investing Legislation Property Management Renting Uncategorized

In the lead-up to the announcement of the property industry reforms that are to take effect on 23 March, some landlords were concerned that the ability to issue no-grounds evictions would be lost under new legislation. No-grounds evictions are an option where landlords could evict a tenant – with 90 days’ notice if the tenant […]

Off-market property sales are here to stay


Marketing Selling Uncategorized

Regardless of it being a buyers’, sellers’ or neutral market, we are seeing increasing numbers of real estate agents look to off-market as the initial phase of a comprehensive strategy to win more listings and sell properties faster. There’s a lot of discussion on the precise definition of “off-market”, which we define as properties that […]